The “Rinkyrita”

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. It was past midnight in Charlotte where we were staying with our cousin Rinky, laughing and talking away into the wee hours and drinking these very nice strawberry margaritas that she had made when we ran out of strawberries just as we were ready for the next round. It was very necessary for us to keep the margaritas flowing and preferably along the lines of something as fancy as the ones made with strawberry. Seeing we were going to be leaving her the next day, this evening was very special for us all. So hopefully you can imagine the sense of desperation that we had.

Rinky then suggested that we try a mixture of blueberries and grapes that she had lying around at home as a substitute. Although neither of us could work out what this would taste like, we had enough Dutch courage by that point to try just about anything. The result was this truly fantastic drink that we christened the “Rinkyrita” that night and obtained rights to the recipe from the creator to publish on the blog for you all to enjoy as well.

So here is the recipe for the Rinkyrita that makes around 4 large servings –

Ingredients: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup grapes (without seeds), 4 oz fresh lime juice, 4 oz tequila, 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup, 2 tablespoons Cointreau, 2 cups ice

Directions: Put everything in a blender until smooth and drink, and then repeat 🙂

Tastes as good as it looks

Anyway, Rinky and Manoj are parents to an amazing son called Sid who at the early age of 18 months shows an incredible aptitude and mental ability in everything that he does daily. Like most kids that age (and up to the ages of 18 years), he has the need to invent new ways to get past the system of parental controls and restrictions. The day we were leaving, we witnessed his latest workaround that he has devised to reach the CD player on top of the chest of drawers, put in the CD that he likes and turn up the volume to the maximum allowable by the player.

The progress of mankind is guaranteed as long as there exists severe enough needs across all aspects of our lives. 

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